How to Grow Instagram Followers for Business: 2021 Ultimate Guide

How to Grow Instagram Followers for Business

So you want to learn how to properly grow Instagram followers for your business to capitalise on the 1 billion plus users right? Well you have come to the right place. 

What are the best practices for business brands? And how can you grow your Instagram followers in a meaningful way that translates into sales? 

In this guide, we’ll introduce you to the tools, techniques and best practices to grow your business’s Instagram following. 

It doesn’t matter if this is your first time trying out Instagram or you already have an established account with thousands of followers – our guide will help everyone who wants more exposure online – business or personal. 

From using hashtags to posting high-quality content, we’ll explore all of the tactics that work today so you can start boosting your Instagram followers! 

Let’s dive right in! 

1. Leverage Hashtags

Hashtags are an integral part of Instagram marketing and the Instagram ecosystem. So when it comes to growing your Instagram followers for your business, they’re your best friend. Find the right hashtags to use for your post, and you’ll have more exposure than ever before!

When using Instagram hashtags with your posts, you’ll want them to be highly targeted. For example, if you sell cargo shorts, it wouldn’t make sense to use #fashion or #shoes because they aren’t related to your product. 

On the other hand, hashtags like #outsideshorts and #shorthaul would be very relevant and give you more exposure to those niches. You could also use hashtags like #outdoors, #cargoshorts, #shorthauling, #instadaily, and similar.

But while using hashtags is one of the easiest ways to get more exposure for your content and as a result more Instagram followers, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • You can use a maximum of 30 hashtags per post but it doesn’t mean you always should. More hashtags does not always mean more visibility and can come across as spammy. 
  • Keep your hashtags relevant. We can’t stress this enough! Put yourself in the shoes of somebody searching those hashtags on Instagram. What would you be expecting to see and would it make you stop and take a closer look?
  • Don’t only use popular hashtags. There’s a whole science to using hashtags effectively, and going with the flow isn’t part of it. You need to get the right balance between popular and niche hashtags to get your content and your message in the view of the right audience. 

If you’re having trouble finding relevant tags for your posts, an excellent way to find a few is to check out what hashtags your competitors are using. Then, either select a few of them or go on an explore page and find some yourself!

2. Choose the Right Time to Post

Most businesses know the importance of posting on Instagram. But what many of them don’t realise is that it’s easier to get more likes and comments if you post at the right time. Sometimes, timing can be as important as content. You don’t want to post at the wrong time and miss out on some valuable exposure, do you?

There are many different studies regarding the best times to post on Instagram, but many recommend that businesses post during the workday (between 10 AM-3 PM) in the timezone you are targeting. 

The data tells us this is when most people are using their phones and actually engaging in content. Perhaps they are bored at work or on a break and are using Instagram as a time out!

If you post on the weekend, then its proven you’ll get better exposure during the afternoon and evening. This is when most people are out of work or just done with their day to relax. There is clear data to say Sunday has the lowest exposure rates, so unless there is a specific need or reason to post to Instagram on Sunday, you are better going for a different time. 

Remember that these are simply recommendations and the Instagram algorithm is always changing. Testing, measuring and adapting until you find the winning formula for your business is your best way to achieve sustained success. 

The optimal posting times will vary depending on your industry, location and the products or services you are promoting. Many social media management tools have built in post optimisation features and can be a useful way to help you, but always sense check to ensure it works for your industry. 

3. Don't Sell, Be Helpful

A common mistake businesses make when trying to get more Instagram followers is only posting photos of their products and services or promotions. While you want your content to sell, it’s also crucial that you show off some personality and make the content valuable! A good way to do this is by sharing helpful tips on your Instagram stories or feed.

You should be posting photo’s related to your business on Instagram to give people a deeper insight into you and your business operations. It can attract new people to your profile page as they find it interesting and give you more opportunities for organic reach in the feed. When choosing what photos or videos to post, make sure they aren’t too promotional! Most of them should be true, authentic images.

4. Try Out Different Content Types

Instagram goes beyond just photos. Make sure to post different types of content to help you attract a wider audience. If you only post photos of your products, then your customers might get bored and unfollow you. But if you mix it up with many different content types, they’ll stick around longer.

A good way to keep things interesting is by using Instagram polls to ask your audience questions, use Instagram stories to share relevant tips, post interesting quotes about your industry, sharing memes and GIFs to attract a different kind of audience, and much more!

Don’t be afraid to experiment and find out what works best for your brand. The goal is to give people a variety of content that they’re guaranteed to love, so have fun with it! 

And remember: just because something didn’t work once doesn’t mean it won’t work at all! So, retry it a little later down the road to see if you get better results. If you want to learn more about building a content marketing strategy for your business we have written an article on the subject too!

5. Promote Your Instagram Account Everywhere

This is among the most effective ways to get more followers on all kinds of social media, so don’t hesitate to promote your Instagram account in many places. Here’s how.

If you have a website or blog, add an Instagram widget that prominently displays your latest photos and tells people where to find you. Make it super easy for people to follow you by including a button in your blog’s sidebar or at the end of every article. This is especially important if you write about similar topics as opposed to just promoting your products.

You should also promote your Instagram account on other social media sites. This includes promotional posts that simply mention that you’re now on Instagram and encourages people to follow you there. For example, if they liked what you had to say on Facebook, send them over to Instagram with an enticing preview of what they can expect!

Finally, make sure to set up your Instagram profile URL on social media sites. This will make links to your account appear as ‘‘ instead of just ‘‘, making it easier for people to find you without having to spell out your username twice or go through a long process to search for your account.

6. ​Engage With Your Audience

Another important mistake that businesses make is not engaging with their followers on Instagram enough. This can hurt your overall reach and could prevent you from getting more exposure for your posts.

The best time to do this is when someone leaves a comment on your posts or sends you a direct message. Each of these should be answered within 24 hours, even if the conversation was short and simple. When people see that you’re quick to reply, they’ll be more likely to send you inquiries. And this can lead to new business opportunities!

You should also follow people who you are interested in as potential customers. But don’t just follow them and hit them up to buy your services. Invest time to get to know them, engage in their content in a meaningful way regularly. Build a relationship.

It is actually no different to the real world. You need to be smart about it and if you are, then you will see more conversions. 

By the way, avoid any company offering to rapidly grow your IG followers. They will fill your followers with fake accounts that provide no engagement. It is much better to have a small, highly engaged group of followers than a huge following that have no real interest in what you are doing. 

7. Learn How the Instagram Algorithm Works

If you want to get more of your posts in front of people, you need to understand how the Instagram algorithm works. This is because it decides what content users see first and which videos or photos aren’t relevant anymore. And by understanding this, you can help boost your exposure!

For instance, by posting a lot of engaging content, you’ll naturally get more people liking and commenting on your posts, allowing Instagram to see that you’re a popular page worth showing off to others. So make sure that you post consistently good content every day! You may even hit the jackpot and get on the Instagram explore page. 

If you aren’t getting the engagement you want, you can also try mini boosts. This is where you promote your Instagram post for a short period so you get more eyes across it. 

It is a fantastic way to see how engaging your content is and what sort of reaction it has with viewers. Of course, it can also drive sales and give you a ROI on the advertising cost. 

8. Do Collaborations with Industry Influencers

There’s no doubt that having industry influencers and joint ventures can help you get more Instagram followers, and for great reason! If these influencers like and share your content, their audience is more likely to check out your Instagram page too.

But how do you find these influencers? It’s actually quite simple.

Always be on the lookout for influential people in your industry who post similar content and engage with them. Then, reach out and inform them about a collaboration opportunity. Chances are, most of them will be more than happy to help you out!

You can also use platforms like Heepsy to find influencers that may be a good match for your business. 

Are You Ready to Grow Your Instagram Followers For Your Business?

Now that you know the best ways to get more followers on Instagram for your business, why not start growing your business’s social media presence today? Just follow these simple steps, and you’ll be well on your way to more exposure, engagement, and sales!

If you need help, Chatter Digital have a range of Instagram Content Packages to research, design, schedule and post content for you. We also offer genuine, authentic, Instagram engagement services from only $10 per hour. 

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